Sunday, March 6, 2011

Is Anyone Still There??

I can hardly believe it's been a month since we last posted. We've been inundated with snow, snow days, lots of crazy kids running around the house, sickness, trying to get a yrs worth of receipts done so we can get our taxes done (I run a business out of my home so it's not the quick form by any means....did I mention snow? Just yesterday morning it was mild but old man winter was up to his tricks again and it's been snowing all day and we are expecting 7 plus inches by tomorrow. This isn't so great for the humans in the family,but for snow dogs- well it's sheer heaven. Suka stands at the door, begging to be let out so he can romp and frolic around in the white stuff- then when he comes in, well, he brings it in with him too :) I hope you haven't given up on us, we are here, we've just been super busy is all. Hope you are having a good winter and beginning of Spring :)
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  1. Life gets busy for all of us at one time or another. Thanks for letting us know all is well albeit busy. We wish we had snow:( We would love to do zoomies with Suka - bet he is loving it.

    Woos ~ Phantom, Thunder, and Ciara

  2. hey Suka,

    SNOW! You lucky pup! Mine left last week, but it seems like forever. And I don't see any snow in my near future. Perhaps you can send some my way? Or, better yet, if I can get off this dumb leash I can run over to your house and play in the snow with you! Two Suka's in the snow, that would be a blast!

    Glad everything is O.K. and all your humans are happy and busy! Very cool your mom runs her own business!

